Friday, January 28, 2011

A fresh coat of paint


I just wanted to take this time out to thank everyone who is involved with the SLOWEST CARB some way shape or form.  The drawings you see are courtesy of the EvilSpaceFish, Andrew Corey.  He is responsible for the layout/css magic, and I couldn't be more grateful.  Without him, i probably would have given up on this blog on day one, I wouldn't want anyone to look at my ugly page.

Thank you, Ashley Ireland for the never ending love and support and for coming up with some crazy-delicious food to share with you.  She is also the one who introduced me to cooking with onions.  I used to be a chicken and broccoli (BROCCOLI!!!!) guy until she introduced me to a world of flavor with onions. It all kind of snowballed from there.

Thank you Timmothy Ferriss for writing the Four Hour Body and introducing me to the slow carb diet and kettle bells.

Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank everyone who takes time to check out my blog.  Thank you for thinking it's cool enough to share with your friends.  If you don't like it, thank you for coming by anyway, if there is anything you'd like to see, anything that annoys you, let me know (constructively).  I am working on getting some meal plans out there, I promise!  Expressing my gratitude to everyone helping this thing grow was higher on my priority list.  THANK YOU!

**photo by e.hirko by m.hirko

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