Monday, January 31, 2011

The New Red Bull

Yerba Mate.  When you say it, it's gotta be like a Karate Chop. YERRRRRBA maTAYYYY.  It's the sh*t, in a mug.  To describe what it tastes like, you would have to imagine what it would taste like to lick black tea off someone's armpit.  Not a dirty armpit, but like a clean, hairless armpit.  So, not that bad, right?  Once you get it down, WOOOOOOO! The kick lasts about 1-2 hours, and gives you solid positive vibes.  Sorry to get all existentialist on you.  I highly recommend this stuff, it goes way beyond a simple caffeine high.  It's cleaner, more robust.  If you start seeing monsters and thinking you can actually fly, you are drinking the wrong stuff. The downside is it can be hard to find.  Go to your local upscale grocer's tea aisle and look for the box on top of this post.  It hides well because because even though it's like a tea, its not a tea.  It's leaves cultivated from a South American plant known for its rejuvinating awesomeness. It has a naturally occuring Xanthine cocktail that relaxes the muscles but stimulates the heart.  If you want to read more on that, check out the wiki.  If you are going to drink it just heed my warning: don't chase it with a cup of black coffee.  You'll be bouncing off the wall and writing short, fast blogs about hot beverages.


  1. I tried getting into mate, and never could do it.

    Hell! When I lived in Spain my roommates where from Uruguay and drank the stuff on a regular basis, I tried it more than once, and... Bleh!

    Glad you liked it, I'm still hunting for my red bull replacement.

  2. That's it, you've inspired me, i'm going to try brewing it with something else, see if i can brew a better tasting beverage for you...and everyone else suffering anti-mate'-ism-itis
