Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A New Vitality

February 1. Day 28.  It feels just like Day 1.  I feel that same excitement I did on day 1.  That "I'm totally going to lose 30 lbs in 30 days" feeling.  By now I should feel worn out, tired of beans and protein, and stupid-hard kettlebell swings.  I should be sneaking in the occasional Wendy's carbfest chicken sandwiches, I should at least want to.  Right?  I did last week, why not now?  Is it the Yerba Mate? Is it because I had a bad ass cheat day this past Saturday?  Or could it be my recent revelations
The fact is that while both of those are major factors in keeping me focused and satisfied, the real answer is farther out there, somewhere in left field.  I am almost embarrassed to admit: I am now motivated by my new found ability to poop.
Since I started this diet I have been backed up, blocked up, or whatever other metaphor you want to use to say I could not poop.  One of my game changers was to increase my water intake.  That definitely did the trick.  I can say that I am regular again. This is exciting because now my morning weigh ins (as terrible as weighing yourself is, i really need to get my body composition taken, DEXA appointment pending) are not held back by extra stuff inside me.  You really take for granted how happy you are when you don't have any blockage or difficult "movements". My regularity also excites me because I was never regular prior to my diet.  I could not go to a restaurant, eat ice cream, or enjoy spicy food without completely tearing up my stomach and, as a result, suffering in the bathroom.  The added protein and fiber has fortified my stomach so that even binge days are "processed" correctly. 
So here we go, it's a new day.  Current Weight 183.3lbs, I'm going to break into the 170's this week and destroy my goal set at 175lbs by February 15, my birthday.


  1. How much water are you drinking per day now? I am sticking to 8C/day (all ice water) and have been fairly content.

  2. I keep my Shaker cup (20oz) full while I'm at work. so about 80 - 100mls minimum, Then another glass (12oz) or two when i get home. I pee a lot but it gives me a reason to stand up at work.
