Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Structured Cheat Day

Oh cheat day, how I love you.  When you're keeping a very strict diet, you naturally hold your cheat day very holy.  This is my fourth diet-sabbath, and since I was changing up some things in my diet, i decided to change the way I approach the day with some order.  "What? Sacrilegious!" Let me explain.

I am going to:
1. Going to eat whatever I want, I'm just going to structure into 3 very specific meals with maybe a dessert.  The plan is finish eating by 8 or 9 o clock to ensure my glucose isn't spiking when I'm sleeping.  Up to this point, I've been eating whenever, all the way up until midnight then crashing into sleep.
2. Throw in a quick workout to get my body burning energy on muscle repair
3. Drink Gallons of water

I am also taking pictures and documenting my day and offering advice as we move forth.  Stay tuned.

9:30 AM Breakfast:  Flax Eggs with Brewers Yeast w/ coffee
2:00 PM Lunch: Pastrami Sammich w/ Yerba Mate
8:00 PM Yerba Mate with a half glass of grapefruit juice
9:00 PM Dinner: Monk's LipSmacker
10:00 PM YogiBerry Frozen Yogurt.
10:30 PM Glass of Relax Riesling watching Kidnap and Rescue (i.e. elevated heart rate)

Follow-up: 1/30/11. All in all a very enjoyable cheat day.  Breakfast was touch and go, with my odd food choice. I'll be sticking to eggs and beans for my morning protein from now on.  I felt my lunch was still considerably healthy considering the whole grains and olive oil based condiments, with the exception of the yogurt covered pretzels.  Dinner was the true, full out cheating aspect of the day.  I'm sure i consumed well over 4000 calories compared to my usual 1,000 - 1,500.  As of today I am full-scale slow carb diet. This morning's weigh-in I have gained only a pound bringing me to 183.8 lbs.  Let's hope with the adaptations I've made to my dietary behavior I will have a more productive week than last.

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